Sunday, April 6, 2014

I got really really high and ate pizza and steak

Yep ... That's exactly what I did ... Chicago was split into parts but was still awesome ... The train arrived 4 hours late and check into hotel Kirste (a friends place) but it's right on the edge of Lake Michigan
so the first night was a bust except for a Stuffed Chicago pizza and some west coast tequila that came along for the ride. 
It's such a heavy pizza one slice of a personal pie will do ya ...When coming back from St Louis I opt to pay for one of those experiences that one doesn't get every day ... The Sears tower (ok ok Willis now) is the tallest building in America. And I learn that it has this thing called the skydeck ... A totally glass enclosure (yes floor too) that you stand off the side of the building 103 stories in the air ... Typically I think hell no to paying the high prices for such things but the glass floor sells me ... 
This is from the ground looking up those few small things at the top that stick out is the skydeck.  

 On the second night back we ordered another pizza ... Because you have to ... But this one with giardeniera (spicy pickled veggies) that I question why they appear as an option on so many menus and items ... Always one to do my research I learn it's a chi- town thing ... This journey has been perfect for learning new things about the foods we eat ...  We eat and drink more tequila and it kinda kills me haha ...

I plan to seek out this bathroom of the John Hancock building the next day but nature decides that being overcast sounds like a good time so I wouldn't see a thing :( ... So instead I seek out steak ... It's a cold and rainy and all around icky day but the steak was beyond amazing ... I was told not to try the cheaper places because the downgrade in item would not do a try Chicago dry aged steak justice ... My one major food splurge comes in the form of an item that I don't typically even like ... OMG I can't even tell you how happy I am that I am a vegetarian in real life ... Not because that steak sucked but because ever steak after it certainly will ... 
I enjoyed it with a burrata and tomato salad that was also amazing ...
And the service at this restaurant was spectacular ... I am quite sure I have never dined in such an upscale place (many would walk in thinking they didn't belong ... I just feel I belong where I want to be ... So excuse my jeans and young appearance but I want steak and you are here) they would portion things and drizzle things and show me that my steak was exactly how I ordered table side ... Not what I am used to at all but a delightful experience for sure   

I then seek out the local hard rock and have a few drinks with the hottest bartender my trip has seen yet and she has the personality of my A Carr ... So I immediately adore her ... And then I board the train and head for my final destination of Pittsburgh ... It's almost over ... This makes me sad :( 

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