Tuesday, March 11, 2014

... And it's only just begun

I am on my last day in El Paso and soon to leave for Los Angeles ... It is amazing to me that I am only on day 5 of this trip it seems surreal ...

El Paso TX has a beauty that I can't even describe ... Whether you are on the streets of downtown, perched on the most southern tip of the Franklin Mountains (Sacramento chain of the Rockies) or standing in awe of mission that was built 300+ years ago, you can't help but fall in love with it's beauty 

The food here has been amazing ... From the authentic tex-mex to the green ingredients raw food vegan fusion, I have yet to be disappointed 

I was fortunate to be able to meet a friend of a friend who lives here and was able to take me around and show me the sites I wouldn't have been able to see by foot (thanks Bill and thanks Deborah) Bill moved here 20 years ago from Michigan so he knew many of the places to take me so that I could truly see all of the beauty El Paso holds ... It is a sleepy little town but I could embrace it quite easily 

El Paso is the number 3 safest city because of the low violent crime rate and after Philadelphia that sounds like a breathe of fresh air 

I was able to visit the missions that were established to give refuge to Mexican citizens escaping the spaniards and was amazed at how these buildings have stood so strong for so long ... The Mission Soccoro shared the story of it's location and how they were moving the statue of Saint Michael via Ox cart and it became stuck in the mud and that was a sign that Saint Michael wanted to live there so that is where he stayed and they built a mission ... For a moment I question my faith ... I believe fully in the love of God but most (especially in this day and age) wouldn't have accepted that as a sign to stay there ... we would have pressed on and did all we could to make it to our planned destination ... Not being catholic I thought "funny little Catholics and what they accept as God's plan" but maybe just maybe it was really supposed to be that way ... Maybe when we are stuck in the mud God wants us there ... I will think about this more in the future ... Maybe getting out of "the mud" is our will and not his ... I feel my faith could be stronger ... Thank you for that El Paso 
Pancho Villa's home 
Ysleta mission (oldest) 
Mission Socorro (Ox cart story)
presidio chapel san elizario 

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