Saturday, March 15, 2014

San Diego got me feelin some type of way

I think I am in love ... Like legitimate lose control of your mind and follow your heart kind of love. 

I roll into LA on Wednesday morning ready for some California sun and beach time. Amy, my cousins girlfriend and bearer of his child, picked me up at the amtrak to bring me to San Diego for what was supposed to be a 2 day stay. It is now Saturday morning and 3 days later I have to keep LA in my itinerary but I figured I'd cut LA short a day and leave Compton out of my plans 😉 San Diego has been AMMMAAAAZZZZIIIINNNNGGGG. The naive one in me expected smooth low lying terrain ... I got amazing beaches and mountains and history and nightlife And The Food .... All the food .... Thank you Jesus that I pay attention to my full point and don't press on ... I would totally be up a few pounds I am sure ... 3 days is definitely not enough time to see and do it all ... I shall return ... Quite possibly without the intention of leaving ... 

Having a lifelong San Diegoan to show me around was awesome (and having a friend back home telling me more too) ... I have never seen so much in such few hours ... I have been to the most haunted place in America, ate pizza that made my toes curl, Turkish, Hawaiian BBQ, Morraccian Shrimp, Algerian eggplant and Ethiopian and world famous donuts, stuck my feet in the pacific at sunset and danced with a cutey from Dallas in Hillcrest ... It has been a very full 3 days ... The heart filling kind of full. That end of a a summer love kind of feeling grasps hold ... That one where your heart begins to feel tight and you know it's only a matter of time before you have to follow it to the place you left it ... San Diego and I could make beautiful music together ... 

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